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英國Silverson 生產(chǎn)線不銹鋼FMX系列錐形式乳化機

作者: 2013年07月18日 來源: 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
FlashmixPowder/ LiquidMixers Silversonhasover60yearsexperienceinpowder/liquidmixingandoffersmixersforawiderangeofmaterialsandbatchsizes.ThenewSilversonFlashmixbringstogetherSilverson’sinno
英國Silverson 生產(chǎn)線不銹鋼FMX系列錐形式乳化機

Flashmix Powder/
Liquid Mixers

Silverson has over 60 years experience in powder/liquid mixing and offers mixers for a wide range of materials and batch sizes. The new Silverson Flashmix brings together Silverson’s innovative design philosophy with tried-and-tested methods to provide a simple, effective and low-cost solution to some of the most challenging powder/liquid mixing applications.


  • Fast powder incorporation rate of up to 250 lbs/minute
  • Agglomerate-free, consistent product, time
    after time
  • Designed for Cleaning-In-Place (CIP)
  • Sanitary - the Flashmix incorporates an EHEDG and 3-A Certified sanitary mixer
  • Low-level, ergonomic design
  • Low power requirement; the Flashmix requires no additional pump
  • Simple - the Flashmix is easy to install, easy to operate and easy to clean

There are two Flashmix models, each available with or without a stainless steel sack table.

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